
Wednesday, April 7, 2021


Tips for Traveling Registrants 2021

1.      Know the laws that apply to you

·        Laws of your state of registry relating to your out-of-state travel

·    Laws of the state(s) you are traveling to pertaining to out-of-state registrants, especially number days in state when registration is required; presence and residency restrictions for visitors.

·   You must comply with both state(s) rules at all times.

2.      Never try to “fly under the radar”

·        Always notify your local law enforcement of your intention to travel and provide as much detail as possible about your travel plans.

·    It helps to have at least one specific destination for your trip. Your local law enforcement will feel more comfortable with this even if your plans include extended time to get to and return from the specific destination(s).

·    Never assume you can travel without anyone finding out.  You don’t want to risk a “failure to register” that would result in incarceration!

3.      While traveling, never stay in any state or location long enough to risk a requirement to register

·        Being registered in one state is enough!  You do not want to risk a requirement to register in multiple states.

·    Unless you have good reason to know otherwise, always assume that:

(a)  You should stay one day less than the  number of days stated in law.

(b) partial days in state will count toward the number of days stated in law.

·    Some states allow you to leave and then return multiple times per month or year; some do not.

·    Some states allow you to be removed from their registry after you leave their jurisdiction, but some do not!

4.      Obey all state and local traffic laws and other regulations

·        Why would you want to invite trouble?  You don’t!

5.      Document all your movements

·        Keep a travel log showing where you have been on your trip and when.

·    Retain all receipts for your trip – they document date, time & location.

·    Your log and receipts are your proof that you are following the travel plan you provided to your local law enforcement.

6.      Prefer Interstate and Federal highways; avoid small towns and local roads where possible

It pains me to offer this advice, because I love to visit America’s small towns and countryside.  However, as a registered citizen you should:

·        Avoid situations where you will look out of place.

·        Prefer major roads and tourist destinations where you will not stand out.

·        Blue Ridge Parkway; Skyline Drive; Natchez Trace Parkway.