
Tuesday, June 6, 2023


The Old Washington St. Bridge at White River State Park.

From the 50 State Visitor Guide :

Indiana Code 2019  I. C. §11-8-2-12.4  I.C. §§11-8-8-1 thru 11-8-8-22  I.C. §11-13-3-4  I.C. §36-2-13-5.5 & 5.6

Registration Triggers and Deadlines:

3 days for Initial registration and updates. 

Visitors: SO must register if in state for period of 7 days “(including part of a day)” w/in 180-day period, or work in the state for 7 consecutive days or 14 aggregate days/yr. §11-8-8-7(a)(1)(A) & (g). SVP must register within 3 days. §11-8-8-7(h).

Transients or “temporary residents” in transitional housing must register every 7 days.  §11-8-8-12.

Per Rolfe Survey, Visiting Registrants once placed on state’s registry ARE NOT REMOVED.

Residency/Presence and Other Restrictions:

Paroled registrants face certain residence restrictions.  §11-13-3-4.

Otherwise no statewide restrictions, but local restrictions are permitted.

Duration & updates:

10 yrs to life. “Violent” offenders update every 90 days.  Others annually. §11-8-8-14.

RV & MH Hall of Fame Museum, Elkhart, IN

Most recent visit: May 2023

There is good news and bad news about Indiana.  You can visit for seven days in any 180 day period, which doesn’t sound too bad depending on what your business is there, but Indiana is also one of a handful of states for which state law explicitly says that partial days count for visiting registrants.  Therefore when I passed thru Indiana in June 2022 on the eastbound leg of my trip from Iowa to the 2022 NARSOL National Conference and staying overnight at a state park campground, that counted as two days.  This also started the clock on a 180 day time period that would end most of the way thru the following December.  

Here’s another thing to consider.  Suppose I need to pass through Indiana any time during the next six months.  Even without stopping, each pass through will count as a partial day.  In order to avoid overstaying my seven full or partial days per 180 days, I would in theory have to continually keep track of every possible 180 day window throughout every calendar year and the number of full or partial days I have been in Indiana during every one of those possible 180 day periods as I travel back and forth from the east coast where I have family to the Midwest and Rocky Mountain states.  I need to do that, in theory, because if I were to ever get caught exceeding those seven days I would have to register as an Indiana sex offender, and I don’t want that to happen because Indiana is one of about 15 US states which never remove you after you return to your home state (per the “Rolfe Survey”).  There is no procedure for removal.

I have said “in theory” several times, because as you think about this complicated calendar math it will inevitably occur to you that if you just occasionally pass thru Indiana, and leave little or no electronic or paper trail, and have no interaction with law enforcement while doing so, you will in reality never be confronted with having to add it all up for every conceivable 180 day period.  It’s only if you actually stay in-state for a few days (including partial days) that you’ll need to pay some attention to this math.

There is some other good news.  Indiana has no statewide residency or presence restrictions once you’re off probation, although local restrictions are permitted.  Therefore at least in theory you can go anywhere and visit any point of interest, including staying overnight at any motel as I did in May 2023 or at a state park as I did in June 2022.

To make something of my second partial day in Indiana in June 2022 I decided to make a brief stop in Indianapolis.  Long ago in my previous life I had visited Eitlejorg Museum, so this time I thought I’d go to the Arboretum nearby.  However it turned out to be (a) outrageously expensive and (b) closed for renovations, so I settled on the Riverwalk in White River State Park.  

Unlike in Chicago where I had been on the previous day of that trip, registered visitors in Indiana are allowed to take a walk in the park.  I found it to be one of the nicer riverwalks I have visited while traveling around the country.  The Old Washington Street Bridge is very picturesque.

My most recent trip through Indiana was in mid-May 2023 on my way back to Iowa from my 2023 Northeast tour.  Since this was 11 months after the last time I’d set foot in the state I was re-starting the seven-days-per-six-months clock at zero.  I was staying overnight, so that leaves me five days (including partial days) of potential Indiana travel through mid-November 2023 when these two days can be erased. I entered from Ohio on I-80.

Now I’m going to tell you a story about Indiana’s Amish Country.  If you have read my blog about Pennsylvania you already know just how much I dislike Pennsylvania Dutch Country because it’s so over-commercialized.  Years ago I visited a SW Indiana Amish Country in Daviess County that was as untouristy as you can get and I really liked it.  This time I happened to pick up a brochure about an Amish Country auto tour in NE Indiana so I gave it a try.

Uggh – This one was horrible!  Every little town I drove through (Bristol, Middlebury, Goshen, Nappanee …) was overrun with fake Amish quilt shops, furniture stores, smorgasbord restaurants with attached gift shops and even conference hotels.  And of course, not an authentic Amish person to be seen in any of these places. 

However, I soon noticed that once you get out of the towns, there really are a lot of Amish people in this part of Indiana, going about their business and hiding behind this caricature of themselves that has been put in place to attract tourists.  Maybe for their sake it’s better that way.

Amish buggies packing the parking lot of a Mexican restaurant outside Middlebury, IN

Late in the day, as I was driving through one of the less touristy rural areas, I saw ahead of me a sign for a Mexican restaurant.  My first reaction was, what’s a Mexican restaurant like you doing in a place like this?  But taking a second look I saw that the parking lot was packed with Amish buggies!  Wow!! What’s wrong with this picture?!

Turning around to get another look, I noticed that in addition to all the buggies, there were, well, also a few cars in the parking lot. My curiosity soon got the best of me and I decided I had to stop and see what was going on here.

Here’s what was going on – a whole lot of Amish people, “off the clock,” dressed in what I can only describe as “Amish casual” were having a great night out eating and socializing at a Mexican Restaurant (“Burritos our specialty”).  The women and girls all wore bonnets of course, and modestly-colored but casual dresses.  The men and boys were also dressed Amish casual, the hats and suspenders were gone but of course the men had their bushy beards and the boys their bowl haircuts.

It looked to me like everybody knew each other, including the few non-Amish families, and all these neighbors were coming and going, chatting across the tables and enjoying life.  When my server brought my food (the whole staff were, if not Mexican, some kind of Latino and looking the part), I asked as quietly as I could, “So … is this some kind of special event …? or just the usual Saturday night crowd …?”

“The usual Saturday night crowd,” he said.  “In fact it’s a little slow tonight.  We usually have a waiting line going right out the door!”  So I sat back, ate my “Mexican Haystack” (glorified nachos) and decided this was the most authentic Amish experience I’d ever had!


From the 50 State Visitor Guide :

O.R.C. Ann. 2019§§2950.01 through 2950.99.  AWA Compliant

Registration Triggers and Deadlines:

3 days for initial reg. of residence or “temporary domicile” if in state for more than 3 days. §2950.04.  Those employed for more than 3 days or more than 14 aggregate days in a calendar year shall register w/in 3 days.Ohio SOR interprets “day” as beginning when you spend a night.

Residency/Presence and Other Restrictions:

Residence restriction: 1,000 ft. from school, preschool, or child day-care premises.  §2950.034. Per Ohio SOR office, applies only to certain types of resident registrants. Does not apply to visitors not yet required to register. Procedure available for removal from registry after departure.

Duration & updates:

10 years to life. Updates:T1 – annual, T2 – 6 mo.T3 – 3 mo.§2950.15.

Most recent visit: May 2023

Thomas Edison's birthplace in Milan, Ohio

Ohio’s rules for visiting registrants are a mixed bag.  The bad news is that you only get three consecutive days in-state before you will be required to register.  However, according to the state SOR office they interpret “day” as beginning when you spend a night (so the first partial day when you enter doesn’t count), and supposedly it’s the fourth day that trigger’s registration.  Still, it’s a pretty short period of time.

After that the news gets better.  There appears to be no limit on return visits per month or year, so technically you could leave Ohio for a day or two, return and start the clock all over again.  Also, although certain types of resident registrants face a 1,000 ft. residence restriction from schools, preschools, or child day-care premises (§2950.034), according to the SOR office this does not apply to visitors not yet required to register.  Lastly, if you do end up on Ohio’s registry there is a procedure available for removal after departure.

When I visited Ohio in May 2023 I was in no danger of testing any of these rules.  I was on the return leg of a tour of the Northeast, entering the state from Pennsylvania on I-90.  It was late in the afternoon so my first priority was to find a campsite, which I did at Findley State Park.  It was a Friday night and therefore a little on the crowded side but I easily found an available site.  Also, nice bath houses with acceptable showers.  

As I noted above, this partial day would not count toward my stay in Ohio.  And since my plan was to be on my way to Indiana by the end of the next day I’d be in no danger of breaching the three day limit.  

One thing about me is I am an early riser, whether travelling or at home.  As a consequence I am liable to show up someplace before it opens for the day.  However, I decided that wasn’t a big deal for my first stop of that day, Thomas Edison’s birthplace in Milan, OH.  

Being from New Jersey, I learned growing up that Edison did all of his important work in MY state.  Therefore what additional light could be shed on him, I reasoned, by visiting a place where he did none of his work at all?  I was satisfied to take a picture of his parents’ house and the statue of him holding a light bulb and a record player in front of Milan’s city hall and move on.

My next intended stop was Seneca Caverns but here too I arrived over an hour before it was to open for the day.  I decided to keep going and substitute Indian Trail Caverns – only to discover that it was permanently closed and converted to a bat preservation reserve.  Well that’s great for the bats but a disappointment for me!  

National Museum of the Great Lakes, view from the bridge of the cargo ship, 
with downtown Toledo in the background

However, my next stop turned out the other way around.  I wasn’t expecting much from the National Museum of the Great Lakes in Toledo, but it turned out to be one of the high points of my entire trip.  Not only is it a great museum, they also have an entire cargo ship tied up to the dock next door that you are invited to tour all of (for a small additional fee) including the cargo holds!  Also a tugboat!  

In addition, this museum is but Phase 1 of a gigantic riverfront “Glass City Metropark” currently under development.  Phase 2 which includes an ice skating pond, kayak rentals, Market Hall and campground (note for future reference) was scheduled to open Memorial Day weekend not long after my visit.  By the time you’re reading this it’s all open for business!

My last Ohio stop of the afternoon was another disappointment.  Sauder Village is a completely fake German Village that charges $25 admission just so you can go spend even more money on trinkets and imitation German food.  No thanks!  I skipped it and moved on to Indiana.


Yes, of course I visited Portland Head Light

From the 50 State Visitor Guide:

M.R.S. 2019

Offenses committed before Jan. 1, 2013: M.R.S. 34A §§ 11201 through 11256

Offenses committed on or after Jan. 1, 2013: M.R.S. 34A §§ 11271 through 11304

Registration Triggers and Deadlines:

Convictions before Jan. 1, 2013:  Registrants have 5 days to register with the state Bureau of Identification (generally in writing) and 24 hours to register with local law enforcement using a form provided by the Bureau.  §§11222-11223.

Employees and students (and probably visitors) in the state must register with the bureau w/in 5 days and with local law enforcement w/in 24 hours of working for either (1) more than 14 consecutive days in the state, or (2) for an aggregate period exceeding 30 days in a calendar year.  §11224.

Convictions on or after Jan. 1, 2013: Registrants have 3 days to register with the state Bureau of Identification (generally in writing) and 24 hours to register with local law enforcement upon establishing a residence, using a form provided by the Bureau.  §§11282-11284.  “Residence” means 14 consecutive days in the state, or 30 days in one year.  §11273(12).

Procedure available for removal from registry after departure.

Residency/Presence and Other Restrictions:

Restriction on Contact with Minors:  For registrants convicted after June 30, 1992 of an offense against a person younger than 14, Maine prohibits the knowing initiation of contact with a person younger than 14 in a “sex offender restricted zone,” unless the parent consents or the contact is for employment purposes.  “Sex offender restricted zones” include schools other than high schools, day cares, parks, playgrounds, and other places “where children are the primary users.” M.R.S. § 17-A:261. 

Duration & updates:

10 years to life.  Duration of reg. requirement and frequency of updates are determined by date convicted and tier.  §§11222, 11285.


Whale-watching tours in three consecutive years - 4;  Whales seen - 0

Most recent visit: May 2023

Maine’s rules for visiting registrants shouldn’t be too difficult to follow.  Registration Triggers and Deadlines for convictions before January 1, 2013 are confusing to read, but the bottom line is they’re about the same as for on or after January 1, 2013.  Fourteen consecutive days or 30 days per calendar year establishes a “residence,” so just don’t stay that long.

As for presence restrictions, if your offense was against a person younger than 14 (and I would always assume that includes a pornography offense), Maine prohibits the knowing initiation of contact with a person younger than 14 in a “sex offender restricted zone,” unless the parent consents or the contact is for employment purposes.  “Sex offender restricted zones” are the usual places.

As I read over these restrictions before entering Maine in July 2022, my reaction was, no problem.  I only planned to be in Maine for four days (including partial days) while my family was staying with my ex-wife’s cousins on Long Island, and of course, like any of you I had absolutely no intention of initiating contact with any person younger than 14 years, or much of anybody else for that matter.  I was there with just one purpose in mind – to go whale watching.

As I had the year before I overnighted at state park campgrounds, which are a little on the expensive side ($28-$38 per night for out-of-staters depending on the park) but quite well equipped, including nice clean hot water showers.

On my trip to Maine the previous year (May 2021) I had snagged a seat on a whale watching tour boat, only to see no whales.  The silver lining was that the tour boat company issued “standby tickets” to all passengers, good through the end of the 2022 season.  So now I was back to try to use my standby ticket and maybe see whales this time.  

Although it was peak season when you would expect it to be pretty difficult to use a standby ticket, the tour boat company was also running more frequent tours in July than they had been in May and I showed up for a mid-week (Thursday) morning tour on which there are often a few unfilled seats – in this case 20 (out of 125).

Tadahh! Off we went – but unfortunately, no whales!  

The tour boat company issued more standby tickets to all passengers.  Before returning to my campsite I asked the nice lady at the ticket booth how things were looking for the next morning’s (Friday) tour and she said, “Not good. Right now there’s 16 seats available.  If I put you on the list now you’ll be Standby #2.”  I said “Please do that and I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

Next morning, 15 minutes before boarding, the nice lady at the ticket booth announced, “There are three standby seats available.”  I was #2.  Tadahh! Off we went – but again, no whales!  I told the tour guide lady. “I must be jinxing your tour!” but she replied “No, this just happens sometimes.” 

“Well there’s a limit to how much disappointment I can take in one vacation,” I said.  Besides, my final (partial) day in Maine would be a weekend day and the tours were already booked up.  The tour boat company issued yet more standby tickets to all passengers, good until the end of the 2023 season.

Which brings me to May 2023.  After leaving New Jersey where I had attended my brother’s interment and celebration of life, I figured, well, this is probably the only time this year that I’ll be in the Northeast and so my only opportunity to head up to Maine and use my standby ticket.  Checking online I noticed that this third week of May was also the very first week of the whale watching season, so off I went.

What’s the worst that can happen, right?  If I don’t see any whales I leave with yet another standby ticket.

Of course, that’s exactly what happened.  Oh well – we’ll see what happens next year when I try this for the fourth time!