
Friday, August 12, 2022


Benjamin Franklin

From the 50 State Visitor Guide:

A.L.M. G.L. 2019 Part I, Title II, Ch. 6, §§178C thru 178Q

Registration Triggers and Deadlines:

2 days for initial registration by mail if moving to the state; 10 days for change of residence or employment address within the state. Those residing elsewhere but employed in the state must register w/in 2 days by mail. Those planning to work or attends college in the state must register 10 days before commencement by mail.

Visitors: Law requires registration of “secondary addresses,” defined as place of residence for 14 or more aggregate days in a calendar year, or a place routinely resided in for 4 or more consecutive or non-consecutive days per month. §178C.  Per MA SOR office, you must register if you are in MA 4 consecutive nights, or 4 non-consecutive nights in a month, or 12 days aggregate per calendar year. Updated Aug. 2024.

MA SOR response letter (2020) states no residency restrictions apply to visiting registrants in this state. 

Per Rolfe Survey, visiting registrants once placed on state’s registry ARE NOT REMOVED.  However, Tier 1 registrants are not placed on the public website. §178D(e).

Residency/Presence and Other Restrictions:


Duration & updates:

20 years to life.  §178G. Annual updates: Unclassified & Tier 1 – mail;

Tiers 2 & 3 – in person. Homeless & shelters – every 30 days. §178E;§178F1/2


Italian pastry shop in Boston's North End

Most recent visit: July 2022

There is, as they sometimes say, good and bad news about Massachusetts.  Let’s do the bad news first, because for a visitor at least it’s not all that bad.

You can only visit Massachusetts for three consecutive or non-consecutive days per month – because the fourth day would trigger the state’s registration requirement.  You are also limited to 13 aggregate days per calendar year.  That’s a pretty short time window.  Furthermore, as noted above, if you do wind up on Massachusetts’ registry they won’t take you off when you leave the state and it’s 20 years to life.

So be mindful of your time in Massachusetts, and document your whereabouts to be able to prove you haven’t overstayed your welcome.

The good news is that at least at the state level there are no residency or presence restrictions to be concerned about (although I do not know about local restrictions). So presumably when you visit Boston as I did in July 2022 while tagging along with my family on their Northeast vacation you don’t constantly have to be looking over your shoulder to make sure you haven’t accidently walked into a park or library. On that morning my brother, whom I had visited overnight at his home in Rhode Island, accompanied me to Boston, where we met up with the rest of my family and spent the day being tourists.  Boston is a great place to do that.

There is a parking garage underneath Boston Commons.  It’s expensive, true, but really convenient.  Instead of taking one of those expensive (up to $100 per person!) on-off tour trolleys I convinced my family to walk (most of) the Liberty Trail, which begins at the Boston Commons Visitor Center where we picked up a Liberty Trail guidebook.  Now we could just follow the red line and see every attraction any Boston tourist is supposed to see. 

Quincy Market.  Faneuil Hall.  The Old North Church.  Bunker Hill.  We ate lunch at an Italian restaurant in the North End as every tourist is supposed to, and bought cookies at an Italian pastry shop.  After lunch we all got on the Boston Subway at nearby Haymarket Station and went to see Harvard.  

My teenage granddaughters were especially excited to go see America’s oldest and most famous university.  It is a place with which, believe it or not, I am quite familiar, so I served as tour guide as we explored Harvard Yard and some of the educational buildings that surround it.  Then it was on to the Harvard Coop, which grandma had been talking up for days in advance.  She spent a fortune there on trinkets, T-shirts etc., and you will be as pleased as I was to know that the teens found books – yes books! – to suit their thirsty young minds.

Then it was back on the subway to return to Boston commons and our cars.  My brother continued on the subway to South Station where he got on a train to go back home to Rhode Island while the rest of us continued on to New Hampshire (my second time there, see my NH blog post).

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